
2020-05-28 14:23 来源:宏文学校青岛校区

  近日,宏文学校青岛校区G1年级Sonya Wang王楚涵同学获得“CHINA TO THE WORLD”全国线上英语演讲与写作大赛英文写作高中组金奖。


  NSDA(nationalspeech and debate association),全称全美演讲与辩论联盟,是美国历史最悠久、规模最大的中学演讲与辩论荣誉组织,也是世界演讲与辩论领域最大的专业教练会员组织。自1925年成立以来,NSDA累计拥有超过150万学生会员,活动范围遍及全美50个州。目前,NSDA拥有会员学校逾3000所,注册教练逾5000人。仅2011年,就有12万中学生会员参加了NSDA举办的各类活动,学习成为批判性思考者、有效沟通者和道德公民。


  “CHINA TO THE WORLD”线上英语演讲与写作大赛由NSDA China全美演讲与辩论联盟中国组委会主办。主办方希望通过这一形式,倾听学生在疫情当下的故事,对中国和世界的思考,旨在培养慎思明辨、懂得表达、崇尚理性、具有世界公民意识和未来领袖气质的青年学生。


  就在5月10日母亲节当天,大赛主办方公布了“CHINA TO THE WORLD”线上英语演讲与写作大赛的获奖者名单。我校G1年级Sonya Wang王楚涵同学以一篇名为《A gift from nature》的文章获得英文写作类高中组金奖。

  A gift from nature

  One day, one month, three months……till now the Coronavirus is still on its way, slowly crawling towards every individual. It’s not just an isolated being the victim but another one hundred and sixteen thousand people have been chosen by this dreaded disease.

  It is Ironic how humans always believe that they are masters of this planet! However, we are never the leaders. Just look at this virus. Don’t you realize that we are just a fragile piece of paper, that can be torn to pieces in seconds? The existence of a small germ is making us frightened, shocked and frustrated as if the world has reached its end. However, nature is not affected at all, but gaining back its control of this planet.

  Let us consider a tree, all-knowing, all-seeing through a thousand-year-old eye. The tree looks at the virus, preparing to pay humanity back. Why is it so? Looking at this tree I realise how harmonious everything in nature is, but as my eyes fall on myself one word comes to my mind----“outlier”. The tree seems to understand me as he whispers “You are very clever. Animals are host to this virus until humans come into the picture” “I hear that the virus appears with innocent and inoffensive looks.” I say slowly, unable to look at the tree straight in the eye.

  “Ha! From the moment you choose to snatch their homes away. There is only terror and disaster left.”

  “So, I am to blame?” “Yes! You! Humanity!”

  I can hear the rustle of his leaves as if he is delighted by the downfall of humanity. I am silent. I and humankind are thieves stealing peace and harmony from nature. We are killing the wild animals causing these germs becoming homeless. It’s our fault, and now we must pay the price.

  The feeling of depression overtakes me as I stand in the dark waiting for help.

  It finally comes. It comes from my country, China. I watch it solving problems and providing infected people with free health services, love, and care. I am amazed to see such cooperation and unity in one country. By seeing my country opening up a crack for sunlight to enter the heart of others and becoming the leader of humanity, pride and love are now reunited in my broken heart. It is not until now, that I feel proud of being Chinese.

  As the days pass, I see countless people wearing white gowns, moving in all directions, talking with such confidence that makes me believe, they are special. I hear their names---doctors.

  Through the television screen, those white birds are snatching lives from death. As the camera turns to the ward. I see the man inside putting on his last coat and is preparing to leave the hospital. He smiles suddenly, when he reaches the doorway, turning back looking at the nurses, saying:’ Thank you.” These two words are so common, but at this moment his eyes trickle as tears roll softly down his cheeks. The nurses wave at him and behind the protective goggles, pairs of eyes shine like stars at night. Not just stars, but the most spectacular ones that alights hope in the depressed heart of every patient. They smile and these smiles are the smiles of angels that are more precious than wildflowers. I can’t take my eyes off the optimistic energy that is flowing out of their thin figures. It is powerful, yet it infuses warmth that lights a lamp in my eyes.

  However, my smile vanishes, remembering the terrible things we have done to nature. I never blame the rivers, the air, and the mountains when they say that they hate me. I understand we destroy many precious gifts that nature has provided us with. We never show our respect towards nature who has lived for billions of years. Standing before it, we are just ants that vanish in the blink of an eye. We test limits in all areas damaging more sincerely with a comforting reason like “we are just taking a bit more to fill our greed.” We mine the mountains, never asking if they enjoy lives without hearts. We drink up rivers, never asking if they can live a life without blood. Nature has its rules, it provides presents for everyone. Not only beautiful landscapes and blooming flowerbeds but also dangers like poisonous animals and deadly germs.

  Luckily, I have now realized this dreadful mistake that we have been making for centuries. I want to thank nature for providing humanity with this “present”. I believe this tragic gift can awaken the heart of gold that lies in us, showing nature we are worth a second chance. But remember, some presents are better left alone!

  关于Sonya Wang

  2020春季入学生Sonya Wang,原定2月初踏入宏文校园的她,跟其他同学一样只能在家接受网课学习。严格的自律和积极的学习态度使得她很快适应了新的学习状态。4月,她被低年级教学团队的老师们评选为“线上学习榜样”,并向其他同学分享了自己的线上学习经验体会。











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